Monday, December 5, 2011

Statement by John Hopkins After the Release of The Book


  1. Thanks for the finding Rosyli!
    Interesting how they really jog around the owning up to their actions... True, back then informed consent was not required; but nonetheless I think after the success of HeLa cells, they should have attempted to contact Heinreietta Lacks and her family

  2. good find, I was wondering what J. Hopkins had to say after the book was released...and just as V. Lee said, there was no consent form, but isnt it morally right just to tell the patient what you're doing?!? common sense

  3. It is interesting to know that John Hopkins acknowledges the contribution That HELA cells have done, but brings into question how do they the plan to acknowledge the contribution. I feel they are able to avoid any type of compensation to or specific recognition by stating that they never patented the cells.

  4. Well back then no one asked for consent, so we didn't do anything wrong. And now we abide by standardized rules and require consent from potential, they don't really accept any responsibilty
