Saturday, November 26, 2011

Could baby teeth stem cells save your child?

what do you think? Is it worth it?

I personally do not think it is worth it since there are currently no medical applications using dental stem cells. However, I guess if I were rich, I woiuldn't mind potentially investing $769 to store my child's tooth in hopes of it being useful one day.


  1. Ssorry, the above link did not work.
    Hopefully, this one will:

  2. Wouldn't go near this... Years and Years away from human trials.
    Use of Stem Cells found in Adipose is happening now globally.
    The # of stem cells in teeth is miniscule, and not useful for the forseeable future.

  3. It sure does redefine the idea of a toothfairy! I think its wrong for researchers and medical professionals to promise something just in hopes to make a profit.

  4. This reminds me of when my kids where born and one of the first things they hit you up about, other than vaccinations, is saving a piece of the umbilical cord or just cord blood itself. They charge you up front for doing it and also a yearly charge for cryopreservation. They feed you all kinds of horror stories to make you feel bad about not doing it, but they failed to mention that not much was happening in the way of cord blood stem cells at the time. Both of my kids were born while Bush Jr. was in office and not much was happening with stem cells period. Its Just a scam to make money.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. well the umbilical cord business is just that it is a business. it has been of almost zero value for the families. A much better way to go is to donate the umbilical cord to a national not for profit registry so it has a much better chance for utilization..
